MED e-care is excited to announce the release of many new features to its Offline Software which will immensely improve your daily workflow. We have also improved the overall functioning of the software by implementing software optimizations. Below is a list of major features released with the latest update
MAR – Optimized for A Wider Range of Devices
Before we discuss these new features in detail, let us see the steps to upgrade to this new update.
Installing the new update
- A stable internet connection is required to ensure a successful completion of the update. It is a MUST that the device is connected to a hardwire internet connection and not wireless.
- Completing windows updates, 48 hours before Dec 7
- The update requires about 20-30 minutes to download and install. Prefer to perform the update during the downtime or when there is less workload and need for the software.
- On login, click on the “Synchronization” button the right top to perform intial sync.
- You will see an “Update Available” button once the initial sync is complete. Click on the “Update Available” button to download and install the update. This may take about 20-30 minutes
*If for whatever reason, the update is taking an hour or so, please reach out to our Support via email or phone so we can help you. - Once the update is complete, you will be logged out of the system and asked to login again.
- On logging in again, the system may perform another sync before opening the landing page.
- On login, click the “Synchronization” button on the right top corner again to sync the software to the new changes downloaded and installed. If the update failed to download correctly, you will see the “Update Available” button again. It will stop showing once the update has been downloaded and installed correctly.
Now let us review the newly released features in detail below.
Self Administration for e-MAR
This feature was designed to allow for particular residents and/or particular prescriptions for resident to have a status of self administered. Self administered medications are medications managed entirely by the resident.
Self Administration - MAR Page
A new button/ section has been added to the MAR rounds which indicates all the residents and medications that have the "Self Administered” status.
How to setup and manage a resident with Self-Administered status. It is to be noted that the Setup process is limited only to the online version of the software. Once you have setup the residents with a self-administered status, you can complete/view the documentation in the offline version
- Navigate to e-MAR > Orders
- You will notice a new Self-Admin column. To setup a resident with this status, click on Self-Admin
- Residents who manage their own medications would have a check mark in the self admin column
- Residents whose medications are managed by staff will have a blank box in the self admin column
Self-Admin Orders (Yes/No)
- Resident’s whose medication are staff managed, but have some of their medication Self-Administered will have a Yes in the column Self Admin Orders. This is to identify that the resident self-administers at least one
- This is also true for residents with the check mark in the Self Admin column who administer all of their medication.
Selecting which medications the resident Self-Administers
- Click on Medication Orders to view all the medication listed on the resident's medication profile
- If a resident is staff-managed , you are able to apply the Self-Admin status to individual prescriptions if this is required.
- Once selected, click Save
Self Admin Report
Medication orders with a status of Self Admin will be displayed with an “F” on the MAR report.
Add to MAR Screen
When entering a new Add to MAR, you can select the Self Admin Order box in order to give the new prescription the status of Self Admin.
Please see the following Video Tutorial for further guidance on how to use this feature in e-MAR
PRN Protocol V5
A PRN Protocol is a set of instructions and information that a nurse or career must consult in order to safely administer a PRN medication.
We are making it easier to add, view and periodically review PRN Protocols for your resident's PRN medications. This feature is available for all our e-MAR users for free.
It should be noted that our users of the offline version will be able to view and review an existing protocol for a medication but they will not be able to add a new protocol to any medication. They will have to access the online version of the software to create a new protocol for the medication.
To get you started, we have set up a template of the most required information on a PRN Protocol. Simply add the details for a PRN to start using it. Add a new PRN Protocol
- Reason for administration
- Dose
- Minimum time interval between doses
- Maximum dose in 24 hours
- Special instructions
- Expected outcome
- Side effects
- When to refer to prescriber
- Additional comments/information
If these do not meet your specific requirements, a facility administrator with access to the settings may set up a new template to be used for all your residents/clients. Set up PRN Protocol Template
What does the PRN Protocol look like in the MAR?
- Medication Name - Shows the medication associated with the Protocol
- Prescriber's Instructions - Shows the prescriber's instructions as written on the medication label
- Protocol Details - Shows the details entered on the Protocol
- Started from - The date the PRN protocol started
- Next Review Date -The date the PRN protocol is due for review
- Days until Review - When a protocol is due for review. Displays Overdue when a PRN Protocol review is past due
- History - View previous PRN Protocols, displays the last 5 PRN Protocols with an option to view historical ones.
- Created By - The user who added the PRN Protocols/Reviewed
<History Reviewed On - The review date of the PRN Protocol>
Add a new PRN Protocol
- Click on e-MAR on the green bar, then click on Orders on the blue bar. Finally, click on the MAR/TAR Notes on the white bar.
- Select the resident you wish to add a PRN Protocol for. Either use the Find Resident search and tick the checkbox next to the resident's name
- Select the Prescriber and Order Date
- Select PRN Protocol as the MED Type
- Click on the magnifying glass to display a list of the available PRNs without protocols and select the PRN that requires the protocol
- Enter the Start Date and Time the protocol will become active from (Leave as the default to start immediately) and enter the review date. The review date defaults to 28 days but this can be amended to suit your needs.
- Enter the details of the protocol
- Click on Add to MAR Now
View an existing PRN Protocol
PRN protocols that have been entered can be viewed at prior to or at the point of administration. By default, the PRN protocol is displayed to prompt staff to review the protocols before proceeding with their administration.
- PRN Protocol button - Displays all the protocols associated with all the PRNs for the resident
- Resident's PRN button - Displays all the protocols associated with all the PRNs for a resident. The protocols are displayed when this button is clicked for the first time only. To view the protocol again click on the PRN Protocol button
- Available PRNs BAR - If collapsed, this displays all the protocols associated with all the PRNs for a resident. The protocols are displayed when this button is clicked for the first time only. To view the protocol again click on the PRN Protocol button
- View Protocol button - Displays the protocol for the specific medication from which the button was clicked. Clicking the button again hides the Protocol
- PRN Protocol Overdue Prompt - Displays all the protocols due for review. Clicking on the specific protocol displays the details for the medication clicked
- Hotlist - Displays the protocol for the medication clicked <link to PRN protocol under Hotlist>
- Select a resident from Available PRN for all Clients - Displays the all the protocols associated with all the PRNs for the resident.
- Medication Profile - From here, change the order status to all and tick PRN Protocol at the top to see all the existing protocols for a resident - The clicking on the protocol for each medication will allow your to edit and review.
Review A PRN Protocol
PRN protocols can be reviewed to check that it still meets the needs for the resident or the current instructions of the prescriber. This can be completed from the Hotlist, PRN Protocol Review Prompt or Medication Profile.
- Click on the medication whose protocol you wish to review. The details of the PRN protocol will be displayed
- Make any changes required to the protocol
- Select the Next Review Date required
- Click Save/Done
- On completion click OK on the prompt "PRN Protocol has been saved successfully"
- Click Close to exit
Delete a PRN Protocol
PRN Protocols can be deleted if the no longer meet the needs of the resident, or the policies of the Care Home. This also allows you to add a new PRN protocol using the current template if it has changed. This can be completed from the Hotlist, PRN Protocol Review Prompt or Medication Profile.
- Click on the medication of the protocol you wish to delete. The details of the PRN Protocol will be displayed
- Click Delete Protocol
- Click OK on the prompt "Are you sure you want to delete this PRN protocol?"
- The PRN protocol will be deleted
- A new protocol can be added using the current template
Set up a PRN Protocol Template
- Click on Settings
- Click on eMAR
- Click on PRN Protocol
- If you wish to add to the template, enter the name of the field and click Add
- If you wish to remove an item from the template click the red X on the left of the item
NB: Adding or Deleting an Item doesn't not affect existing protocols. The new template will be available to use for any new protocols added.
High Alert Medication
MED e-care users can now add a high alert status to medications
- It should be noted that settings up a medication as high alert will have to be done on the online instance of the software. Offline users will be able to see that a medication is high alert while documenting an administration and they may see a warning message or will need a witness to sign depending on the settings of the organization.
- Before you start using the high alert feature, your organization must select the type of confirmation they want to use from the settings
Single User Verification as High Alert Confirmation Type
- When the user selects Single User Verification then the user will have to select a warning message which displays when the user administers a high alert medication
Second Signature as High Alert Confirmation Type
- When the user selects Second Signature then a second user will have to provide signature as a witness when administering a high alert medication
Setting up warning messages for Single User Verification as High Alert Confirmation Type
- The facility can set up as many warning messages as needed under MAR settings
Making a Medication as High Alert
- In order to mark a medication as high alert, user should navigate to the medication profile and select a resident to view the list of medications
- Click on “Manage” button which opens a pop-up window
- Click on “Edit Order” to edit the order details
- Check the box to set the medication as a High Alert Medication
- If the confirmation type has been set up as Single User Verification then you will see an option to pick a warning message. If the confirmation type selected is Second Signature then you will not see any warning messages to choose
- Click on save alert to save your changes
Administering a High Alert Medication
When the user tries to administer a High Alert Medication in the Med Pass user will see a High Alert Badge for the medication which is set up as high alert
On clicking Save to administer
- A pop with a confirmation message will appear when the High Alert Confirmation Type is Single User Verification
- On clicking confirm the pop will disappear and the medication will be administered
- A pop with medication details and fields to enter username and password for the witness to provide second signature will appear if the High Alert Confirmation Type is Second Signature
- On clicking sign the pop will disappear and the medication will be administered
Other places where you can set a medication as High Alert
- Add to MAR
- While adding medication details the user can click on the check box for high alert status and make the medication as High Alert while adding the order
- While adding medication details the user can click on the check box for high alert status and make the medication as High Alert while adding the order
- Medication Pass - By clicking on the Manage button
- Follow the same steps as when clicking Manage button from the Medication Profile
- Follow the same steps as when clicking Manage button from the Medication Profile
New Version 5 Screens
The following screens have been updated to latest version 5 layout. The overall functionality remains the same. It has been updated to look better and easier to use. You can get more information about each screen by clicking on the links below
- V5 Administration History
- V5 Administration Notes
- V5 Bio Tests
- V5 Body Maps – Medication Administrations
- V5 MAR Hotlist
- V5 Available PRN for all clients
- V5 LOA (Leave of Absence) for all residents
MAR – Optimized for A Wider Range of Devices
MED e-care is excited to announce that our software solution has now been optimized for a wider range of devices such as tablets and phones.
This update is available for all our e-MAR users for free.
- The range of information shown on each device has been optimized for clarity, for example:
Tablet devices:
What's next?
We welcome your feedback on how this new feature is improving your resident’s care and your staff's compliance. More importantly we'd love to hear about how we can make it better and easier to use.
We will continue to review this feature as we receive more feedback
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