With the recent upgrade of the Manage Orders and Medication Profile to Version 5, users will benefit from:
- Improved look and feel
- Faster loading time
- Easy-to-use smart search, making it quicker to find residents and medications
- New filtering capabilities, allowing users to focus on specific order types such as High Alert orders, controlled drugs, MAR Notes
- View History function, which shows every edit and status change made to an order over time
- Real-time preview schedule, giving users a clear picture of what effect their edits will have on the schedule going forward
- Ability to enforce witness signatures for every edit
Accessing the Manage Order Window
There are two ways you can access the Manage Order window:
- Click on the Manage Order button in the medication round
- Navigate to eMAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)
- Search for a resident
- Click on the Manage button for a medication order
- Search for a resident
V5 Manage Order window features:
- Basic resident information
- Resident’s allergies, diagnoses and diet information
- Hide Details button. Click to hide all details on the screen except resident name, bed and chart number.
- Medication order information. Click the ‘i’ icon to show more details.
- MAR/TAR badge. This indicates whether the order is on the MAR or the TAR
- View History button. When clicked, this will show the history of changes made to the order over time. See below for more details.
- Preview Schedule. This will show previous administrations and the future schedule for the selected order, similar to the MAR report.
- Edit button. Click to open the order for editing. See below for more details.
- Cancel button. Click to close the window without saving any changes.
View History features:
- Basic resident information
- Resident’s allergies, diagnoses and diet information
- Hide Details button. Click to hide all details on the screen except resident name, bed and chart number.
- Medication order details. Click on the ‘i’ icon to show more details.
- Search and filter options
- Standard search bar
- Show
- For orders that have been refilled and are part of a chain, this filter allows users to view edits that were made to other orders in the chain, or the current order only.
- Field Name/Action
- Shows results based on the action listed in the Field Name/Action column
- User
- Shows results that were performed by a specific user
- Witness
- Shows results that were witnessed by a specific user
- Reason
- Shows results that were saved with a specific reason
- History grid. This grid gives details about each edit that was made to an order.
- Export to CSV option. Click to export the results in the grid to a CSV format. This will be downloaded onto the user’s machine at the time of export.
Edit Window Features:
- Basic resident information
- Resident’s allergies, diagnoses and diet information
- Hide Details button. Click to hide all details on the screen except resident name, bed and chart number.
- Medication order information. Click the ‘i’ icon to show more details.
- MAR/TAR Badge. This Indicates whether the order is on the MAR or the TAR
- “View History” button
- Dosage Instructions. Users can edit the instruction text from within the text field. If an instruction has been edited, an ‘Edited’ badge will appear above the text field to notify other users that the original instructions have been modified.
- Route drop-down. Users can select the appropriate route of administration from the drop-down.
- Self Admin checkbox. Tick the box to set the medication as Self-Administered.
- High Alert checkbox. Tick the box to set the medication as a High Alert.
- Choose Pre-Defined Frequency button.
- Click to choose a pre-defined schedule from the drop-down. The system will automatically create schedule rows that match the selected frequency. For example, selecting ‘Twice Daily’ from the drop-down will create two schedule rows below, where users can proceed to fill in required details.
- A pre-defined schedule will override any existing schedule lines
- Schedule row. The schedule row contains information about an individual give. To end a schedule, click the Delete button. This will automatically populate the End Date field with the current date.
- MAR/TAR toggle. Click to switch the order from a MAR order to a TAR order.
- Add Give buttons. Click to add a regular schedule row to the existing schedule(s). Click the Add PRN button to add a PRN Row to the schedule. Orders may have a combination of regular scheduled and PRN gives.
- Show Inactive Schedules button. Click to show previously ended gives.
- Modify Buttons
- Duplicate Order
- Course Complete
- Wrong MAR Instructions
- Resident Deceased
- Put On Hold. Click to place the order on hold.
- Stop – Discontinue. Click to discontinue the order on instruction from physician.
- Stop Order. Click to stop the order for reasons other than physician instruction, including:
- Reorder. Click to send a reorder message to pharmacy.
- Preview Schedule. This will show previous administrations and the future schedule for the selected order, similar to the MAR report. The preview schedule shows the results of any edits or modify actions made in real-time.
- Cancel/Save. Click Cancel to exit without saving. Click Save All Fields to save changes and proceed to the confirmation window.
Confirmation Window Features:
- Current Schedule. Shows the current schedule for the order.
- New Schedule. Shows what the schedule will look like after edits are saved.
- Edit Summary. Shows each edit made to the order, displayed in a table.
- Reason for Editing. Select a reason for editing the order from the drop-down. Reason is mandatory for saving edits.
- Note Field. Enter an optional note to be saved along with the edit record.
- Witness Signature. Enter witness credentials to complete the process and apply all edits. Witness signature is mandatory when ‘Witness Signature required to edit orders’ is enabled under Settings > eMAR > Options.
How To:
Send a Reorder
- Open the Manage Order window
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to reorder
- From the Med Pass (e-MAR > MAR/TAR > MAR (New)), click the Manage Order button next to the medication you wish to reorder
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to reorder
- Click Edit
- Under the Modify section, click the Reorder button
- Enter the effective date and time.
- Click Save All Fields
- Enter Reason and Witness Signature credentials (if applicable).
- Click Confirm
Place an Order on Hold
- Open the Manage Order window
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to place on hold.
- From the Med Pass (e-MAR > MAR/TAR > MAR (New)), click the Manage Order button next to the medication you wish to place on hold.
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to place on hold.
- Click Edit.
- Under the Modify section, click the Put on Hold button.
- Enter dates and times for the First Hold and Last Hold. To put the order on hold indefinitely (without an end date) check the Indefinite Hold checkbox.
- Click Save All Field
- Enter Reason and Witness Signature credentials (if applicable)
- Click Confirm
Discontinue an Order
- Open the Manage Order window
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to discontinue
- From the Med Pass (e-MAR > MAR/TAR > MAR (New)), click the Manage Order button next to the medication you wish to discontinue
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to discontinue
- Click Edit
- Under the Modify section, click the Stop - Discontinue button
- Enter the Effective Date and Time
- Click Save All Fields
- Enter Reason and Witness Signature credentials (if applicable)
- Click Confirm
Mark an Order as High Alert
- Open the Manage Order window
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to mark as High Alert
- From the Med Pass (e-MAR > MAR/TAR > MAR (New)), click the Manage Order button next to the medication you wish to mark as High Alert
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to mark as High Alert
- Click Edit
- Under the Instructions section, check the High Alert checkbox, then select the warning message type, if applicable. The Warning Message menu appears when High Alert Confirmation Type is set to Single User Verification under Settings > e-MAR > Options > Warning and Alerts
- Click Save All Fields
- Enter Reason and Witness Signature credentials (if applicable)
- Click Confirm
Mark an Order as Self Admin
- Open the Manage Order window
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to mark as Self Admin
- From the Med Pass (e-MAR > MAR/TAR > MAR (New)), click the Manage Order button next to the medication you wish to mark as Self Admin
- From Medication Profile (e-MAR > Orders > Medication Profile (New)), click the Manage button next to the medication you wish to mark as Self Admin
- Click Edit
- Under the Instructions section, check the Self Admin checkbox
- Click Save All Fields
- Enter Reason and Witness Signature credentials (if applicable)
- Click Confirm
Accessing the Medication Profile
When Version 5 Medication Profile is enabled, there are two ways to access the page:
- Navigate to e-Mar > Orders > Medication Profile (New) > Select a resident
- With a resident already in focus, use the quick entry menu to select ‘Medication Profile’
V5 Medication Profile Features
- Basic resident information
- Resident’s allergy, diagnosis and diet information
- Hide Details button. Click to hide all details on the screen except resident name, bed and chart number.
- Search for Another Client button. Click to open the search window and select another resident
- Filter Bar:
- Search bar
- Order Status
- Filter results by order status
- Multiple selections allowed
- Order Type
- Select to filter by order type, e.g. MAR Note
- Multiple selections allowed
- Only
- Select to include only orders with certain flags, e.g. High Alert or Self Admin
- Manage Button. Click to open the Manage Order window for the selected order
- Order Information Grid
- Order Info
- Contains specific prescription details
- Medication
- Shows the name of the medication
- For order types that are not related to a medication, e.g. MAR Note, the name will show NOTE
- Instructions
- Written dosage instructions provided by the prescriber
- Route of administration
- Special status badges such as High Alert or Self AdminSchedule
- Order Type badge
- Give times, or Custom Cycle label
- Physician
- Prescriber name
- Status
- Current status of the order.
- Order Info
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