MED e-care has released the much anticipated “Medications Not Administered Widget” to make it even easier for you to stay on top of any medications that are not administered.
- This widget will list all the records of a medication orders marked as Not Administered within a set lookback period. You can also filter the results based on the reasons, signatures and can be listed based on the last 30 days or less.
- You can also customize the grid with different sort/summary levels and can view the occurrences of Not Administered medications by using the “Summarize” feature. By default, this feature is unchecked. When ‘Summarize By’ is checked, the format of the grid will change from the default view. Default values will populate the 3 summarylevel drop-downs.
- The number in the Occurrences column will show the summary for the smallest summary level. If 3 levels are selected, the 3rd is the smallest. If only one level is selected, then it is by default the smallest. You need not to select all three summary levels. Only the first drop down is mandatory and must not be empty. When a second summary level is added, it now becomes the smallest level, and any larger levels are expanded. A row will show for each unique record type in the smallest level. Summarize By selections cannot be duplicated. Ex. Once ‘Medication’ has been selected at some level, it won’t be available in any of the other drop-downs.
- The default view shows the not administered orders from the last 3 days but you can also use the great filters to customize this and create the report you want.
- Clicking on a single scheduled record will bring you straight to the window with the details of the selected record.
- Clicking on the record after checking the “Summarize” option will bring you straight to the window with all the records contributing to the summary.
- You can use the Export feature to download the details
How to Access this feature:
- Navigate to Dashboard on the Green Bar.
- Make sure you have enabled the Medications Not Administered widget.
Navigate to the widget, set your desired filters and click on the record to review the details.
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