Once the Relationship Builder has been enabled in your system you are ready to use the Relationship Builder in your Care Plan. You should contact our support desk directly to assist with this.
In order to utilise the Relationship Builder functionality, you will need to setup certain rules to associate the specific Assessment with your Resident's Care Plan. Please refer to the following guide to help you with this.
1. Go to Settings > Relationship Builder > click Facility Rules located on the left side of the page
To create a NEW rule click Create Rule
2. Select Assessment
2A. Firstly select from the Assessment Tool drop down, the Assessment you wish to build the rules
Section = Rule Name Group = Group in Assessment Field = Assessment Question Value = Answer
2B. From the drop down lists you can include specific sections and questions from the assessment which your rules will relate to. You can use the + button to add another question or group.
3. Setup Care Plan
3A. After selecting your Assessment and outlining the Assessment fields, you will need to select the Care Plan and Care Plan section you want to build the rule to.
3B. Use the drop down list to select the appropriate Care Plan. You can associate multiple Care Plan's by clicking the + button.
3C. Following this, please identify the Care Plan domains and sub domains by selecting from the drop down menus.
4. Choose the areas of your Care Plan items Etiology / Related To, Goals and Interventions .
In this section, you can select if you want to copy the rule into certain areas of your Care Plan items. If you want, you can select for the rule to be added to all three areas. Once these have been selected you can amend the formatting of how you would like this to be displayed when your field answers are transferred to your resident's Care Plan.
4A. Select your Care Plan item areas: Etiology / Related to, Outcomes and Interventions
4B. Select your Assessment Field
4C. You can view a preview of how this is going to be displayed on the resident Care Plan
5. Type in what information you want to show in your Care Plan according to the Care Plan item you have selected.
5A. Select a Care Plan item under Problem Major Area and a sub-category under Problem Sub-Area
5B. Type in what you want to display in the Care Plan according to the Assessment field and Care Plan item you have chosen.
5C. Once you have completed your desired sections, you can click 'Save'.
6. When the rule is successfully saved, you will need to switch this on for your facility.
To do this, under Facility Rules you can search either using the Assessment Tool or, the Rule Name. Once you have located the rule, simply click the greyed out tick box to enable it.
How to use the Relationship Builder in the Care Plan
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