Self Administration for e-MAR
This feature was designed to allow for particular residents and/or particular prescriptions for resident to have a status of self administered. Self administered medications are medications managed entirely by the resident.
Self Administration - MAR Page
A new button/ section has been added to the MAR rounds which indicates all the residents and medications that have the "Self Administered” status.
How to setup and manage a resident with Self-Administered status
- Navigate to e-MAR > Orders
- You will notice a new Self-Admin column. To setup a resident with this status, click on Self-Admin
- Residents who manage their own medications would have a check mark in the self admin column
- Residents whose medications are managed by staff will have a blank box in the self admin column
Self-Admin Orders (Yes/No)
- Resident’s whose medication are staff managed, but have some of their medication Self-Administered will have a Yes in the column Self Admin Orders. This is to identify that the resident self-administers at least one medication.
- This is also true for residents with the check mark in the Self Admin column who administer all of their medication.
Selecting which medications the resident Self-Administers
- Click on Medication Orders to view all the medication listed on the resident's medication profile
- If a resident is staff-managed , you are able to apply the Self-Admin status to individual prescriptions if this is required.
- Once selected, click Save
Self Admin Report
Medication orders with a status of Self Admin will be displayed with an “F” on the MAR report.
Add to MAR Screen
When entering a new Add to MAR, you can select the Self Admin Order box in order to give the new prescription the status of Self Admin.
Please see the following Video Tutorial for further guidance on how to use this feature in e-MAR
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