There is a report available for you to filter the medication type by the Anatomical Theraputic Chemical Class System (ATC). You can search by the ATC Class Code or the ATC Class name to display a list of medications according to this classification.
Please see the WHO guidelines for more information on ATC codes:
Facility Medication Profile (New)
1) To run this report, go to e-Reports and click on Medication
2) Under Medication, click Facility Medication Profile (New)
3) Select your history date range, then search for Anatomical Theraputic Chemical Class System
4) If known type in the ATC Class code or Search by the ATC Class Name.
You can use the WHO index to search for the ATC Class Code
5) Select the classification type > Then choose a resident or leave blank to run for All Residents.
Once this is selected. Simply slick 'Run Report' to display information.
6) The report will show all medication according to the parameters inputted.
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