The validation feature supports the user in the booking-in process. It checks and validates current orders in the Medication Profile against new orders in Receive Orders.
- Receive Orders Screen Pre-Validation
- Received Orders Screen Post-Validation
- Validation Messages
- Order Details Mismatch
- Edit Order
- Custom Cycle Review
- Unit Filter for Receive Orders screen
- Auditing changes made in Receive Orders
- To Turn on Validation
Receive Orders Screen Pre-Validation
The Receive Orders screen has the following new features:
- “Validate” button next to the “Receive” and “Reject” buttons
- Show ‘All’, 'Unvalidated' ‘Matched’ & ‘Unmatched’
- Filters ‘Order Type’ options ‘MAR’ or ‘TAR’
- MAR or TAR flag in the schedule column
Received Orders Screen Post-Validation
The user must click the blue “Validate” button.
The system will validate:
- Medication name/ingredient
- Administration time(s)
- Administration dose amount
- If the order is a Complex Dose (i.e. not taken every day)
- Order type – MAR or TAR
The system will then display one of the following messages in the Validation column:
- Matched (in green)
- New Order (in green)
- Potential Duplicate (in amber)
- Order Details Mismatch (in amber)
- Custom Cycle Review (in amber)
Validation Messages
New Order
This is a new order in Receive Orders. It does not match an ingredient or medication name in the resident’s current Medication Profile. The user must still check to ensure it is expected, for example it has not been discontinued by the prescriber.
Users can click on the green “New Order” button to review and check the schedule.
The new order in Receive Orders matches the current order in the resident’s Medication Profile. This is a refill of an existing medication order.
Users can click on the green “Matched” button to review both the current order and the new order details.
Potential Duplicate
The order in Receive Orders has been identified as a potential duplicate of an order that is currently active on that resident’s Medication Profile. The user must click on the amber “Potential Duplicate” button to resolve the potential duplication. The user will have three options to resolve this:
- Keep Both – this can be used if a resident is prescribed more than one strength or form of the same medication, for example if they have both Warfarin 1mg and Warfarin 3mg tablets.
- Replace Existing Order – this will replace the existing order (at the top of the screen) with the new order (at the bottom of the screen).
Users must enter the date and time that they want the existing order to stop on (this is the last date and time that order will appear on the MAR), and the date and time that they want the new order to start from (this is the date and time the new order will appear on the MAR).
Please note: You are unable to select Start Date until you have filled out Stop Existing Order On...
The current on-hand figure is displayed and can be changed here. Users can write off the stock from the old order by entering this figure in the Destroyed/Returned box. This will update the On Hand figure displayed.
- Edit Order – the user can edit the frequency, time, give dose amount, start date and add a PRN dose. Users can also add or delete additional doses and choose if the medication will appear on the MAR or the TAR. Users are required to enter a reason for this in to the system. They may be required to obtain a witness signature for this change (setting dependent). Users should follow their Home or Group policy in relation to communicating this change to your local pharmacy.
Order Details Mismatch
The order in Receive Orders has been checked against the resident’s current Medication Profile. A current order exists for the same medication/ingredient, but there is a difference between the new order and the current order, for example a change in the time the medication is to be given. The system will highlight this difference in red. The user must click on the amber “Order Details Mismatch” button to resolve the difference. The existing/current order is displayed at the top of the screen. The new order is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The user will have three options to resolve:
- Start New Schedule – the current order schedule will be replaced by the new order schedule.
- Copy Existing Schedule to New – the current order details will be kept. Users are required to enter a reason for this in to the system. They may be required to obtain a witness signature for this change (setting dependent). Users must communicate this to their pharmacy.
- Edit Order - the user can edit the frequency, time, give dose amount, start date and add a PRN dose. Users can also add or delete additional doses and choose if the medication will appear on the MAR or the TAR. Users are required to enter a reason for this in to the system. They may be required to obtain a witness signature for this change (setting dependent). Users should follow their Home or Group policy in relation to communicating this change to your local pharmacy.
Edit Order
Please consider the following review outcomes when you have made any changes to the medication order in Edit Order.
When replacing an order schedule, always remember to review the warning message to check the original prescription before confirming the New Schedule.
New Order
- Orders identified as New Orders displays a new Reviewed button next to Edit Button.
- Click on the “Reviewed” button.
- The order is marked as reviewed and flagged as Reviewed in subsequent View Schedules Windows.
- You can now receive the order.
Potential Duplicate
- When selecting 'Replace Existing Order - You are unable to select Start Date until you have filled out Stop Existing Order On...
- When Keep Both, or Replace Existing is used, the order is marked as reviewed.
- The Validation results changes to “New Order”.
- You can now receive the order.
Matched Orders
- Orders identified as Matched will have the Reviewed button next to the Edit button.
- Click on Reviewed button, the order is marked as reviewed and flagged as Reviewed in subsequent View Schedules Windows.
- The validation results changes to “Matched”.
- You can now receive an order.
Order Details Mismatch (Different Schedule days, Dose, Pattern)
- Display current buttons for Order Details Mismatch.
- Clicking on New Schedule or Copy to New marks the order as reviewed
Custom Cycle Review
Please note: The default setting for this feature is ON. If you would rather not have this, please speak to our support team to disable this. This feature may be used with or without the validation feature.
How the setting works:
- When Enabled - Order need to be reviewed before receiving.
- When Disabled - Orders can continue to be reviewed and received as per current functionality.
How the Custom Cycle Validation works:
Review Setting ON and Validation OFF
If you do not use the Validation feature, you are able to review custom cycle medication. Please see below for details on how to do this.
- Navigate to Receive Orders under e-MAR > Orders.
- Custom Cycle Order is displayed as normal.
- Click on “Review or Edit Schedule”.
- Review Schedule window opens up with a new “Reviewed Button”
- Check the schedule and click on “Reviewed”. The order is marked as reviewed and flagged as Reviewed in subsequent View Schedules windows.
- You can now receive the order.
Review Setting ON and Validation ON
- Navigate to Receive Orders under e-MAR >> Orders.
- Custom Cycle Order is displayed as normal.
- Click on Validate.
- All the medications with custom cycles will be flagged for Review in the Validation Results column. Flag: Custom Cycle Review.
- Click on Custom Cycle Review, the system performs a further validation on the clicked order as per the current validation rules. The page is refreshed and shows the results and buttons accordingly.
Unit Filter for Receive Orders screen
e-MAR > Orders > Receive Orders (New)
A new filter has been added to the Receive Orders screen that allows users to filter the results on the screen by Unit. The filter allows multiple selections at the same time and will default to All Units.
Auditing changes made in Receive Orders
The Audit logs have been updated under e-MAR > Audit for the following actions:
- Edit Order
- Order Details Mismatch
- Start New Schedule
- Potential Duplicate
- Stopped Order
- Stock Amendment
- New Order
- Keep Both
The log message displays the Username, Order Details (RX#, and Medication Name), Resident details (chart#), Action Taken, Witness Signature, Reason, Original Schedule (each dose at existing schedule, custom cycle, start date, and end date), New Schedule (each dose at existing schedule, custom cycle, start date, and end date), Date/Time of action.
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