The eMAR system gives you a number of warnings. Here is an overview of them and the actions you should take when you see them.
6. Responsive Label on the MAR Round
1. Low Inventory - Orange
- The system is warning you that you will run out of stock in the next 3 days
- You may see this on short-course medication (such as antibiotics) in the last 3 days of the course, this is expected.
When you see this you should:
- Check that the inventory figure shown on screen matches the amount that you physically have in stock. Correct the on-hand figure if it is not accurate.
- Check to see if you need to order more of this medication so that you don't run out.
2. Low Inventory - Red
- The system is warning you that you have a negative on-hand figure
- This can happen for a variety of reasons such as failure to book medication in or if incorrect amounts are being recorded as administered for example
When you see this you should:
- Check received orders to see if there is any stock of this medication to be booked in, if so receive it.
- Correct the inventory figure shown on screen so that it matches the amount that you physically have in stock. You should set the on-hand to zero if you do not have any stock left.
3. Order ending in X days
- The system is warning you that this order will end (no longer appear in the medication rounds) in a certain number of days. In the example above medication will no longer appear in the medication round in 2 days.
- You may see this on short-course medication (such as antibiotics) in the last 3 days of the course, this is expected.
When you see this you should:
- Check if this is a short-course medication, if so, does this finish on the correct day?
- Adjust the end date if required by clicking on "Manage Order" if required.
4. Order Ended
- The system is warning you that this order has ended - i.e the end date of that medication has been reached.
- This warning will stay on the MAR for a number of days, usually 3 (you can change how many days that the warning stays for in the settings - please call the MED e-Care helpline if you are unsure how to do so)
When you see this you should:
- Check to see if you were expecting that order to end.
- If the order has ended, please manage your stock on-hand levels by writing off your stock as destroyed/returned or carried forward.
- Adjust the end date if required by clicking on "Manage Order" if required.
5. Discontinued
- The system is warning you that the medication has been discontinued by the GP or the Prescriber.
- This warning will stay on the MAR for 7 days to ensure that all staff are aware of the change.
- You should only discontinue a medication on eMAR if the medication has been stopped by the GP/Prescriber. You should have written confirmation of this direction from them. In all other circumstances you should apply an end date to end a medication.
When you see this you should:
- Check to see if you were expecting that order to be discontinued.
- Ensure you inventory is at zero. If not, please write off any stock as destroyed/returned or correct any negative figures.
- If an order has been discontinued in error, you can click on "Release from Discontinue" in "Manage Order" to restore it.
6. Responsive Label on the MAR Round
Users will be able to see the highlighted labels with different colours for Completed, Incomplete, In Progress, Scheduled, and Currently Due medication details.
Scheduled = Future Round (Yellow Band)
This is a future round due to start at a later time
For all future rounds with scheduled medications that have not been started the tile will show as Scheduled with yellow labels.
Due Now = Current Round - Not Started (Green Band)
This is the current round that has not been started yet
When the time has started for the current round but the user has not yet started working on that round, the tile will show as Due Now and label will be green
In Progress = Started (Green Band)
This is the current round that has been started but has not been completed
When user has already started working on the current round, the tile will show as In Progress and the label will be green
Incomplete = Medication not signed for (Red Band)
This round has reached the end of the scheduled time, but some medications have not been signed
When the user has not signed for some medication for that round, the tile will show as Incomplete and the label will be red.
Complete = All medications documented
This round has all medications signed for and has passed the scheduled round end time
The label will be Grey. When the user has completed the round and has documented for all medications for that round, the tile will show as completed and the label will be grey.
This new feature can be enabled by staff members who have access to the settings by following the steps below:
1. Navigate to Settings on the Green Bar
2. Select e-MAR
3. Select Options
4. Navigate to the bottom of the list of options and click to enable "Don't show pass as completed until all medications have been administered"
5. Click Save
7. Pop & Dot Warning
MED e-care have updated the Pop & Dot feature to include a warning if a staff member has marked an item as popped but forgotten to sign it as Administered or Not Administered within the round.
- User marks the item as popped
- User does not mark the item as Administered or Not Administered
- User navigates to the list of available resident tiles available at the bottom of the medication list and clicks to switch to a new resident
- User sees a pop-up which shows them the following warning: “Popped medications haven’t been administered. Are you sure you want to leave?”
- User can press “Cancel” return to signing the items or “OK” to continue
This new feature can be enabled by staff members who have access to the settings by following the steps below:
1. Navigate to Settings on the Green Bar
2. Select e-MAR
3. Select Options
4. Navigate to the bottom of the list of options and click to enable "Warn when popped meds are not administered"
5. Click Save
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