- Navigate to eMAR > Orders > MAR/TAR Notes
- Select your resident by placing a tick next to their name.
Please note, you can only work on one resident at a time. - Select their Prescriber from the dropdown list
- Select the Med Type:
- Non Medication MAR Order – used to add an Order to the MAR. Orders are used to record that actions/tasks have taken place.
- Non Medication TAR Order – used to add an Order to the TAR (for treatments/topicals. Not all homes use the TAR). Orders are used to record that actions/tasks have taken place.
- MAR Note – used to add a Note to the MAR. Notes are used to record person-centred information such as their preferences etc.
- TAR Note – used to add a Note to the TAR (for treatments/topicals. Not all homes use the TAR). Notes are used to record person-centred information such as their preferences etc.
- PRN Protocol – used to enter PRN Protocols into the eMAR system
- Fill in the order details
- Frequency – how many times a day should the Note/Order appear, and at what times?
- Duration – how long do you want the Note/Order to appear for? Leave as zero if you want the Note/Order to stay on indefinitely
- Administration Start Date & Time – When should the Note/Order begin? The time must match one of the times entered into the Frequency section.
- Directions – type in the Note/Order details exactly as you want them to appear on the system.
- Click ‘Add to MAR Now’ and click ‘OK’.
- You will see this message when the Note/Order has been successfully added:
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