1) Login and click on e-MAR within the green bar.
2) Click on LOA/Self-Administration For All Clients.
3) From the dropdown menu, change On LOA to Not LOA, and click Find.
4) Click on the name of the resident you would like to put on a Leave of Absence.
5) Enter a start date and time, and an end date and time for your leave of absence. The date format must be dd-mm-yyyy and the time format must be hhmm. The date can also be selected by clicking on the small calendar icons. A reason for leave of absence must also be selected from the dropdown menu, e.g. medical leave. Once you have entered all of this information, click Ok.
6) A prompt will appear to confirm the LOA, click OK.
7) A confirmation will appear that a Leave of Absence has been set for this resident. Click close.
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