e-ADT activities such as Admission, Discharge, Transfer, Re-entry and/or Date changes
do get transferred and communicated to e-Financial. These updates are placed in the
Information Post Financial Bulletin. Please refer to the below instructions to be able to manage these.
The financial user has to take action as they appear on the Financial Bulletin list.
Discharge Notification:
1. Click on the client name in order to manage the task.
2. The client billing information opens as shown below; here there are two situations
to consider:
- If the client is coming back to the facility and billing will continue, simply
click on ‘Complete Notification Even’. This action will clear the client name
from the bulletin list.
If the client is NOT coming back and you want to end the billing, click on the current Accommodation charge, i.e. P – 2013-06-01 from the above screen. The following window opens:
3. By default the Discharge date is selected as Service End Date; however, the date can be edited to reflect billing end date. Option: ‘Do not charge last day’
4. Click on ‘Save’, then close this window
5. Click on ‘Complete Notification Event’ to clear the client name from the Bulletin
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