This process is exactly the same as adding a medication for one resident, except that you have the opportunity select multiple residents. Follow these steps to complete a Batch Add-to-MAR:
1. Click on e-MAR on the green bar > Orders on the blue bar > Add To MAR/TAR Batch on the white bar.
2. Search for the residents you want to add this medication to. You can either use the Find Resident search or tick the box next to the residents name to select a resident (you can tick more than one box).
3. Next select the prescriber then click in circle to the left of the word MAR (this will add the medication to the resident's MAR records).
4. Type in the drug name (make sure it is spelt correctly) and click the magnifying glass to the right, this will search for all medication that match with your search. Select the correct medication remembering to check that you have selected the correct brand, strength and form.
4A. Enter the total dispensed amount, this is the number of tablets you have been given by the pharmacy or resident.
4B. Select a frequency and a dose amount and unit. The frequency is how often the resident will take the medication, the dose amount and unit is how much of the medication the resident takes. For example this could be 15ml of lactulose or 1 Ramipril Capsules.
5. Select the Pharmacy source.
6. Click Add to MAR Now to finish.
You have now successfully added a medication for multiple residents.
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