Following 11 actions in Medecare will trigger email notifications (usually to pharmacy only but not facility).
Seq Actions
1 - Physician order
2 - Medication reorder
3 - Medication discontinued
4 - Medication on hold
5 - Medication waste dosage
6 - Add to MAR
7 - Discharged Patient
8 - Admitted Patient
9 - Transfered Patient
10 - Internally Transfered Patient
11 - Re-entered Patient
When a user (any login user) performs one of these actions in our application (i.e. eADT, eMAR), an email (of each action) will be sent to all address addresses that have been setup in a Medecare email notification table.
Example of Medecare email notification table.
Examples of email notifications:
-----Original Message-----
From: ECareIV
Sent: October-31-13 12:02 PM
To: Charles Lee
Subject: Medication reorder
eMAR Medication refill for Rx number [12345678], medication [91970240 : CALCIUM CARBONATE : DIN] from facility [eMAR Test Site] : client [TestPatientOne, 124]
-----Original Message-----
From: ECareIV
Sent: July-09-14 11:57 AM
To: Charles Lee
Subject: Add to MAR
eMAR Add To Mar Rx number [ATM887766], medication [ : : DIN] from facility [eMAR TEST SITE] : client [TestPatientThree, 182]: Instructions []
-----Original Message-----
From: ECareIV
Sent: July-19-14 3:49 PM
To: Charles Lee
Subject: Admitted Patient
eADT Client(TestPatientTwo - [ChartNumber: 84]) is admitted to facility eMAR TEST SITE
On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:27:01 PM, Medecare Notification <> wrote:
eADT Client(Mr. Issac Payne - [ChartNumber: 12345]) is Re-Entered into facility ABC NURSING HOME
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