Medication Intelligence enables users to compare key KPIs from each home in the group side by side.
1) Navigate to Dashboard > Enterprise Business Intelligence > Medication Intelligence
2) Data can be filtered by:
- Date range – the default date range is the last seven days.
- Resident Status – by default both Active and Discharged residents are included.
- Order – by default, both MAR and TAR orders are included.
- Region – by default, all Regions are displayed.
3) You can drill down to see the homes in each Region by clicking on the ‘Magnifying glass’ icon:
4) If you have the correct system permissions, you can drill down into the Units within each home again by using the ‘Magnifying glass’ icon.
To go back up a level, use the ‘Back arrow’ icon:
5) Data can be exported to Excel using the ‘Export CSV’ button:
Click “Settings” to change which KPIs are shown and set thresholds. Thresholds will highlight any data that exceeds a specified value.
MED e-care's Medication Intelligence KPIs
Medication Intelligence KPI | What Does It Show? | What Does Good Look Like? |
Overdue Medications |
Overdue medications are your gaps or missing signatures. Medication was scheduled to have been given, but it has not yet been recorded as "Administered" or "Not Administered" in the system. |
Zero overdues. |
PRNs Administered |
The number of PRN medications recorded as "Administered" during the selected time period. |
Home specific. |
Medications Returned/Destroyed |
The number of medications recorded as "Returned/Destroyed" in the system. |
Regulators expect to see the complete lifecycle of medication recorded, from receipt, to use, to disposal. When medication is stopped or discontinued the physical stock is disposed of. These disposals should be recorded in the system as "Returned/Destroyed". A low number could indicate that disposals are not being recorded in the system. |
Wasted Meds | Medication recorded as "Wasted" in the medication round. |
A low number could indicate that wasted meds are not being recorded in the system. This could lead to inaccurate on-hand figures. |
Out of Stock Items (Live) | Active medications with an on-hand figure of zero or less. | Zero. |
Items with Low Inventory (Live) |
Items with less than 'X' many days stock remaining. The number of days is determined by the home's settings. The system default is 4 days. |
Home specific as for some medications it is appropriate to keep a low stock, for example catheters or hydroxocobalamin (B12) injections. As a general guide, a low number is desirable. |
Inactive medications with remaining inventory (Live) | "Ghost stock" - where medication has been stopped or discontinued in the system, but the stock has not been written off as "Returned/Destroyed" to record it's disposal. |
Zero. |
Overdue PRN Follow ups (Live) |
When PRNs are recorded as "Administered" in the system, a Follow-up is automatically scheduled to remind you to check that the medication was effective and record the outcome in the system. Users should schedule the Follow-up at an appropriate time for each medication. If the outcome is not recorded in the system on time, it becomes overdue. |
Zero. |
Medications in Receive Orders queue (Live) |
The number of medications in Receive Orders waiting to be booked-in. Medication must be received into the system as soon as it arrives at the home. |
As a general guide, zero or a low number is desirable. During the last week of the home's four week medication cycle this number will be inflated as they book-in their monthly medication. |
Active medications from Add To MAR (Live) |
"Add to MAR" is the equivalent of a hand-written paper MAR chart. A user has manually added this medication to the system rather than it being sent over the interface from the pharmacy. |
Home specific. New residents to the home will inflate this number as their medication is manually added onto the system in the first instance. A consistently high number could mean that data is not being regularly received from the pharmacy. |
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